Tuesday, January 26, 2010

F&S. Monday Feb 1st

Arnold Sikkema
>How Modern Astronomy impacts our view of creation

Psalm 8 accurately describes the response of many people, throughout the ages, to the beauty and vastness of space: "When I consider your heavens...what is man that you are mindful of him?" Modern astronomy can deepen our appreciation of both the creation and the Creator. What can we learn about the history and origin of the universe, and of ourselves, by the study of stars and galaxies? And how do evangelical, Bible-believing Christians respond to what we hear from the astrophysicists and cosmologists?

Speaking at 7:00pm
Block Hall

If you missed this seminar, check out the audio file here
Sikkema seminar


  1. All of the photos I had running at the beginning and end were from NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day. Enjoy, and give God the glory!

  2. For a paper exploring many of the same themes, see here at BioLogos.

  3. The PowerPoint file is here. Included are links to the images which are no longer embedded in the PPT to save space and for copyright issues.
